Author: admin

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2020 Event Cancelled

Due to the current local lockdown and national limitations for social gatherings, we have taken the hard decision to cancel this year’s event. Sorry to break the bad news but hopefully we should be back in 2021 Thanks for your continued support.

September 25, 2020 0

Ticket Now On Sale

Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts selling tickets in the surrounding areas this evening. Tickets are also available any Friday evening 6.30-9.30 from Greenmount Old School, anytime from Greenmount Butchers or Buy Tickets now online at

September 27, 2019 0

📅🎆🔥 Save The Date!!! 📅🎆🔥

It’s that time of year again!! We’ll be hosting our 50th Annual Bonfire and Firework Display on Saturday 2nd November!! Tickets will be available from: -Online from –– Greenmount Old School any Friday between 6 -9.30pm from 11th October 2019– Greenmount Butchers on Vernon Road (from 13th October 2019) – during normal opening hours

September 11, 2019 0

Our Scout Group : A year since the Bonfire

Nearly a year on from last years Bonfire and we are still teaching young people from Bury and Ramsbottom #SkillsForLife!! Thanks to you and everyone who supports us!!  

September 28, 2018 0